Lather, Rinse, Repeat!


On the eve of Barn Doors’ launch party, many preparations remain undone. I’d rather sit and talk to you than do the dishes!

Days have turned into weeks have turned into months since I last wrote a blog post. I found that my subject matters were best saved for chapters in Barn Doors. Now that Barn Doors is complete, I have no excuse. I pray I remain excuse-less from this moment forward and actually write for you on a regular basis. But alas, I am human and will probably be begging for grace by year’s end.

So, today! New leaf, new resolution, new book to celebrate in 15 short hours. And my thoughts zip along in sporadic idiom form. Science tells us that humans have an average of 50 thoughts a minute. (I have no idea where I heard that, but it has to be true. If y’all want to research this fact and leave a comment, that would be great!)

But seriously, fifty thoughts a minute? That’s hundreds within an hour! How many of those do I waste on worthless, uncontrollable things? Shamefully, many. However, I want to spend this blog post talking about the others, the ones NOT wasted, rather thoughts that edify, are fruitful, teach, and are even used to ponder life and eternity.

Even sporadic thoughts in idiom form can be worthy and fruitful. That’s where I am today, on the eve of launching Barn Doors, in the middle of a busy season of life. When many things fight for their place among the 50, sometimes you just want three of them to be “lather, rinse, repeat.” Take a breath, you got this! While the other million thoughts arm wrestle for the remaining 47 slots, I can be proactive in the idiom: Lather, Rinse, Repeat. The alternative is to sit and do nothing while thoughts battle thoughts.

Keep fighting while I: Pray, Seek, Repeat. And another worthless thought loses the war to a worthy thought. Keep trying to drag me down while I: Give, Receive, Repeat. And fear becomes comfort. Keep arm wrestling while I: Love, Bless, Repeat. And bitterness turns to forgiveness.

Tomorrow will bring new thoughts, new battles. Which is why every fruitful idiom needs the word “repeat.” One breath will not sustain you an entire lifetime. Only repeated breaths will. Same with prayer and seeking God’s will. Only repeating love will we be victorious over the enemy’s attempt to gain ground with our thoughts.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

P.S. I hope to see y’all at the party tomorrow! Please share a link (below) to Barn Doors with your friends. You could receive my ULTIMATE party favor worth $168!


19 thoughts on “Lather, Rinse, Repeat!

  1. Thanks for this uplifting message! It really hit home since I’m currently reading a book on drawing closer to God and the part I find the most challenging is the breath prayer. You’ve certainly helped me to understand this better. With the busyness of taking care of 4 kids, I definitely need repeated breaths: pray, seek, repeat… give, receive, repeat… trust, obey, repeat… stop, listen, repeat… ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. I needed to hear this. I am currently struggling with health issues and I have become very bitter (I should be called Mara currently). I have questioned God with the why me more then I have praised him in this storm. Today I have decided to pray, believe, turn my fears over to Him and rejoice in this beautiful wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

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